PM: 代谦娜
YEAR: 2021
CLIENT: 善本小筑
Mingyue Village, located in Pujiang County, Chengdu. The moonlight in the Song Dynasty illuminates the boundless green bamboos and tea fields. It is the idyllic pastoral village life that everyone yearns for. The Sammboo Resort located in Mingyue Village mainly wants to build a resort that can be used for parent-child fun, and can also integrate business, leisure, reading, tea, and catering on weekends. It is based on "hotel + destination style and humanistic in-depth experience". , To develop a vacation experience model. Therefore, the mission given by Sammboo Resort is not only a homestay, but also a presentation of a life attitude, in a way of returning to the original, it brings your body and mind from the city to the township, and from the township to a more simple and natural village.
位于成都市蒲江县的明月村风景如画, 宋时月色照无边翠竹, 茶田, 是每个人心生向往的田园牧歌式的村落生活,雷竹碧波荡漾,茶田层峦叠翠充满诗意的田园风光。善本小筑作为明月村新村民的一员,兼具现代与乡野的东方院落,白墙灰瓦隐于茶园绿海中,传递着回归原本、把身心从城市带回自然乡野的生活态度。
善本小筑不仅是单一的建筑体, 也是自然风貌和人文景观共同搭建的度假居所,宛如一个巨大的容器,将当地文化底蕴、居民的感官情绪,以及“山水在家中”的设计理念都一一纳入其中。唤醒了中国人传统的院落情结以及诗意栖居的梦想。